Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2557: Condemnation, Isolation, Let it Go     >

Episode 2557: Condemnation, Isolation, Let it Go


Higher level characters in many games get access to new and more powerful abilities. This can cause a shopping list anticipation effect, where players become focused on the idea of gaining specific new abilities that they don't have yet. This can take away some of the focus and fun on the adventures they're having right now.

An alternative is to have the abilities of more advanced characters held secret, so the players don't know exactly what new things they will be able to do as they gain experience and level up. Obviously this doesn't work if the players have read the rulebook, but you could potentially have players who haven't done that, or come up with your own high-level abilities.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Heh. Hehehe. Hahahahah! AHAHAHAHahahahahahahaaaa....

Sure, why not? I'd assumed Luke was pulling an Obi-Wan distraction, but since Kylo pulled out the Force Stasis thing last episode, no reason Luke can't have figured out different tricks for this one. I'm skeptical that Force Teleport is a thing, but no reason Force Insubstantiality can't be real, especially since Luke's shown getting stabbed here without issue. And completely ignoring the AT-AT blasts previously. I think it's more likely that Luke went even further insubstantial and turned invisible. Kinda like the dying and turning into a Force Ghost and vanishing, just without the dying requirement.

Anyway, Luke is obviously not being killed here, and having shown the potential to reappear means that Kylo probably won't simply charge on into the base. I'm not sure where the story goes from here, either, as the First Order can just chase again back in space as well after the Resistance escapes out the back. Here's hoping it can be as interesting and surprising as Luke was!


Kylo Ren: That felt good.
Luke: {unseen} Ahem.
{Kylo turns around}
Luke: {standing there unhurt} You missed.
Kylo Ren: What is this?
Luke: Force Insubstantiality. You should learn it.
Luke: Oh wait...! You’re not high enough level.
Kylo Ren: I prod my sword into his chest.
Luke: Keep grinding, kid. You’ll get there someday.
{Luke begins fading away}
Luke: And did I mention Force Teleport?
{Luke vanishes}
GM: Well. No XP from that encounter.
Kylo Ren: Noooooo!!!
GM: Maybe try a side quest?

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Published: Sunday, 15 December, 2024; 01:11:03 PST.
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