Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2544: I Wish I Could Be As Carefree and Wild     >

Episode 2544: I Wish I Could Be As Carefree and Wild


Displays of confidence can be great for intimidating opponents.

Displays of overconfidence can be great for causing your opponents to collapse helplessly in laughter. Also potentially a good tactic.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ooooo. Now here's some dramatic scenes. Luke knows how to properly stride through fire as well; you need to have a proper path to do that! We've got the wreckage of the defences from.... random firing on the base I guess? The red base layer of the ground is a nice touch, almost like blood. And then there's all of the AT-ATs standing around looking at him with the flying shuttle hovering menacingly.

I have to say though, this is a smaller hole than I was expecting for the cannon blast. It's only like 15 feet across! Am I expecting the explosive failure of things too much now? Or is it just too early for that to happen, and I really should be expecting the base to explode after yet another evacuation? Though it would also be very impressive if Luke simply ripped the door off now that it's damaged and used it to flatten the AT-ATs.


{Luke strides out through the burning hole in the blast door}
{He moves forward onto the blood red ground before the door, dwarfed by the sundered defensive fortifications around him}
{Luke stands defiantly, staring up at the assembled might of several First Order walkers and the command shuttle hovering above them, all silhouetted dramatically against the setting sun}
Kylo Ren: Look at him, strutting around like he owns the place. Pathetic.
General Hux: That’s your thing, isn’t it?
Kylo Ren: ... It’s different when I do it.

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Published: Thursday, 14 November, 2024; 01:11:21 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net