Darths & Droids


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Episode 2543: Orpheus and Your Idiocy


In a sense, all adventuring is risk-taking. You just have to calibrate things to decide what are reasonable risks and what are stupid risks.

But the dividing line can be hazy. It can also depend on the stakes: What is to be gained from this risk? Higher gains shift the balance further towards making bigger risks reasonable. This is why we tempt players with huge rewards.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Okay, so the amazing X-wing flying is probably out since Luke is just walking. Force Barriers are still on the plate of possibilities though; but maybe it's to block the hole into the base instead of shielding individual people. Force Throwing the AT-ATs at each other is another idea I just thought of, but that seems a little unlikely just due to what we've seen the Force do before. Plus, the giant cannon is still out there and that definitely feels too big for a single person to deal with directly.

Is this a sign that Poe won't continue trying to throw himself into the line of fire? He's Jim's character, so probably not, but you never know! I wonder what legendary idea Jim will come up with next if dying is taken off his list of options.


Luke: I’ll go out and hold them off. You take everyone else out the back way.
Leia: But our ships are all in here.
Luke: I have something for you.
Leia: Han’s lucky dice... The Falcon!
Luke: Signal Rey to pick you up out there.
Leia: It’s a good plan, but—
Luke: Give my love to Rey. {Luke kisses Leia gently on the forehead as he rises to leave}
C-3PO: You’re not going to heroically sacrifice yourself, are you?!
Luke: Do I look like an idiot?
C-3PO: Glad to see someone has some sense around here.
Luke: {striding towards the breached blast door} I didn’t get to be a legend by taking stupid risks.
Poe: So there’s some other way to do it? Hmmm...

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Published: Tuesday, 12 November, 2024; 01:11:15 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net