Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2540: You Keep Playin’ Where You Shouldn’t Be Playin’     >

Episode 2540: You Keep Playin’ Where You Shouldn’t Be Playin’


This is an interesting point to break a game: when the odds are against the heroes and things seem hopeless. It makes a nice change from calling a session break when they have just returned from or completed an adventure and are sitting comfortably and counting their treasure.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Aw, we missed the actual firing of the cannon! Not surprising though, the focus is on the player characters here rather than the environment. Does this mean that Finn is going to have to carry Rose away from the skimmer wreckage or will it end up being a scene cut and Rose has already been moved somewhere? Ooo! Or maybe the Falcon comes back after the AT-ATs have moved forward and Chewie and Rey swoop in for a quick rescue!

And that does seem to be the challenge every week for the GM lately. Or at least, more so than previous episode adventures. Sure, all the movies had big climactic battles where it was a possibility, but Episode VIII has felt close to that pretty much the whole time. With the exception of the casino planet visit of course, even if there was a large amount of time spent there. Maybe Corey's got an idea of how they can turn things around? Last time it was the AT-ST rescue, so I'm looking forward to finding out whatever he's thinking of here for BB.


GM: Rose, make a Constitution roll.
Rose: 7.
GM: You fall unconscious.
Finn: Rose!!
GM: The cannon has smashed a hole through the blast door.
Kylo Ren: Good. Prepare for ground assault. Troops on foot.
General Hux: That’s so pedestrian.
Kylo Ren: One of these days, Hux, these boots are gonna walk all over you.
Poe: Fall back from the trench! Time for our desperate last stand!
GM: This is a good time to break until next week.
Poe: But our situation is hopeless!
GM: Yeah. We should probably think about that a bit.
C-3PO: You mean you need time to think about it so we don’t all die in a TPK.
GM: You know, Sally, that’s the challenge every week.
Poe: I wanna keep playing!
BB-8: Hmmm...

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Published: Tuesday, 05 November, 2024; 02:35:29 PST.
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