Darths & Droids


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Episode 2538: Two Head-ons Are Better Than One


"Yes, but" is a great line in the repertoire of a good GM. Don't arbitrarily stop your players from doing cool stuff. If they come up with something cool or interesting, let them do it! Say: "Yes!"

But... introduce complications or twists. Something that makes an interesting situation even more interesting, or tricky. In other words, don't just let them get away with everything free of consequences. Yes, they can do that cool thing, which goes some way to solving their current problem, but now they need to deal with some other thing. Some different thing that causes them to have to think or challenges them in a different way. Say: "Yes! But..."

Don't keep iterating this over and over, though. After a couple of cool things let them succeed, rather than becoming frustrating.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ooooooor Rose can just crash into Finn rather than shooting; I guess that works as well. But what was the point of Finn's maneuver then? Unless Rose or Poe were trying to tell Finn that crashing into the cannon won't work, I don't see why this particular part of the battle needed to be a thing. Like Pete alludes to, this cannon is still going to fire now. Even just shooting down the barrel could have done something.

Hey wait a minute; do these skimmers actually have weapons at all? I don't think they've done anything besides fly out and around in the salt, throwing up dust. Like, was that actually the goal in the movie as well? That seems an even less reasonable plan than the rest of the ones in the movie so far. Players not thinking things through and messing up makes sense, and at least on Hoth, the AT-ATs were called out as being heavily armored in the comic and movie. So here without the benefit of knowing what was said in the movie, I'm feeling like the movie writers are trying to pull something personal off without much justification put into it.


Rey: How are you going to stop Finn? You guys turned away; he’s heading straight for the cannon.
[SFX]: boom! {First Order fire blasts more red crystals into the air behind Rose as she speeds away from the cannon}
Rose: It’s Galen Erso tech. The aiming beam probably dilates time. I can take a longer route out of the beam and intercept Finn.
Poe: Yeah, good!
GM: Hmmm... <roll>...
GM: Yep, okay, you can do that. But how will you stop him?
Rose: Desperate times! I fly my speeder straight into Finn’s!
Poe: Wait, I didn’t mean for you to stop Finn from sacrificing himself by sacrificing yourself!
Rose: Two martyrs are better than one!
[SFX]: Whoomm... {the cannon aiming beam glare fills the frame}
[SFX]: Craash!! {Rose crashes her speeder into Finn’s}
[SFX]: Whoomm... {the cannon beam continues uninterrupted}
[SFX]: Crunch!! {as Finn’s speeder crashes to the salt plain beside the cannon}
[SFX]: Skiid!! {and Rose’s speeder slides along the ground next to it}
Rey: On the other hand, one might have actually achieved something.

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Published: Thursday, 31 October, 2024; 02:11:03 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net