Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2536: A Man, a Plan, a Cannon     >

Episode 2536: A Man, a Plan, a Cannon


Running away is a perfectly valid backup plan. In fact, it should be the default fall-through plan whenever things go wrong. You could also front-load it and make it the first plan in any tricky circumstance. Surviving another day is often underrated.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ohhhhh, they're clamps for recoil! That seems more sensible than giant ground-based towing machines. Ignore that the sounds are coming from the sides of the cannon and not the box things on chains.

And wow that's a large cannon barrel. Using the person as 5 feet tall and forgetting that it's still further back, that's over 25 feet wide! I think that's the largest land cannon we've seen so far in Star Wars! Mind you, it's still a goofy idea compared to raining fire from above, but now we can see that it's a serious weapon.

It still does seem tipped against the Resistance at the moment, so I'm curious how things will end up turning around. Wall gets blown up, but then it makes a giant pile of rubble so it's like an extra layer of defense? Seems possible I think.


GM: Giant clamps anchor the battering ram cannon to the ground.
[SFX]: kchunk! kchunk! kchunk! {the clamps fire into the salt, raising clouds of red crystal dust}
[SFX]: whhmmm... {the siege cannon barrel interior glows}
GM: The enormous maw begins glowing as the weapon warms up.
Poe: Sure you don’t want some help with that?
Finn: Stick to the plan!
Poe: A plan’s a plan. Gotta respect that.
Rose: Now you’re respecting plans?
Poe: We veer off and spray up that screen.
[SFX]: pow! boom! {the First Order continues firing at the ski speeders; Finn keeps heading straight at them while the others veer off}
GM: Jim, how high would opaque shards of crystal kicked up by vehicles rise in a standard atmosphere?
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh!
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh!
Poe: Oh, three or four metres at most.
GM: The cannon emits a targeting beam, twenty metres or more above the ground.
[SFX]: Whoom... {said targeting beam passes horizontally high above Finn’s speeder}
Rose: So... go to Plan B, or are we already on Plan C?
Poe: What’s Plan C?
[SFX]: Whoom... {the targeting beam illuminates the bunker blast door well above the height of the defensive barbican towers}
Rose: “Run away”. Always good to have a classic.

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Published: Sunday, 27 October, 2024; 02:11:12 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net