Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2535: We’ll Fight Like Twenty Nineteen Armies     >

Episode 2535: We’ll Fight Like --Twenty-- Nineteen Armies


Whenever the hour is darkest, when all hope seems lost, before the fateful battle where we are all likely to perish in a vain attempt to halt an implacable foe, there's always that one cheerful guy looking on the bright side. This is a great character to introduce at any point in an adventure that is like this.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Alas, poor Uh! I knew him, well.... Okay, I didn't. I'm assuming nobody knew him either unless they look at the transcript and find out what his name is. That is, assuming he didn't lose a bet before buying the farm.

Wow, they really are just dragging that cannon thing along the ground, huh? They're not even using hovercraft! The First Order looks like they got a pair of jumbo Roombas, squared the circles, and decided that pulling was more sensible than mounting them underneath. Here's hoping they're meant to be obvious weak spots for the Resistance to attack rather than just a goofy design choice.

Also, is it just me, or is there something off with the perspective on the second from the right AT-AT? It's somehow the same size as the one higher in the panel, but that doesn't make sense as that should place it further back in the scene. Maybe it's a smaller version? It would be an odd choice to have a randomly smaller AT-AT in the fight as the First Order isn't exactly hard up for materiel.


Poe: All right! With those fighters out of the way nothing can stop us!
Kylo Ren: Concentrate fire on those speeders!
[SFX]: Pow!
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh! {speeders are still zooming towards the ominous looking siege cannon and escorting walkers}
[SFX]: Pow!
[SFX]: Pow! {First Order fire picks off a speeder}
[SFX]: Kaboom!
Rose: Except that.
Ski Speeder Pilot: Once we’ve wrapped up this merry jaunt, gentlemen, gin and tonics at the officer’s mess shall be on my—
[SFX]: Pow!
[SFX]: Kaboom! {that pilot’s speeder blows up}
Finn: Right. Let’s do it for... what was his name?
GM: Uh...
Finn: That guy. I’ll take the cannon. Everyone else veer off and put up a screen of crystal dust to obscure the bunker.
Poe: 10-4, my man!
Finn: {singing} And little people know, When little people fight, We may look easy pickings, But we’ve got some bite.
[SFX]: Pow!
General Hux: Looks like they’re putting on a show now.
[SFX]: Pow!
Kylo Ren: Do we have to hear the people sing?

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Published: Thursday, 24 October, 2024; 02:11:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net