Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2528: Salt Flat’s Thirteen     >

Episode 2528: Salt Flat’s Thirteen


Vehicles with bits falling off is a classic comedy trope. But it can certainly add tension in the heat of an engagement. Bits should fall off when a vehicles takes damage, but describing it preemptively adds a lot of fun too!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Wow. When the GM described these skimmers as half-gutted, I figured things like that were just an extra bit of flavor text like the X-wings in Episode IV. In Poe's case though, I guess it doesn't matter too much as he's already got the cockpit canopy open/missing. His hair is still surprisingly fine I have to say.

Anyway, 13 junky speeders versus 10(?) bearded AT-ATs. Plus whatever extra weapons the super cannon has. .... And a larger swarm of TIE fighters. Definitely not looking great for the Resistance at the moment. We can't have the Resistance run anywhere else. So..... Time for Rey to show up with whatever she was doing?

Unless she shows up with an extra fleet, I don't think there'll be much that she'll be able to do however. Sure, Star Wars likes to really play up the "Main Characters Do Everything", but just Rey coming alone would be a little much even for this trope. I could see her having stowed away on one of the AT-ATs though. Proceeding to then hijack it and take out some of the other AT-ATs in a surprise attack would be a good way of evening things up.


{shot of skim speeders heading towards First Order forces, leaving trails of red mineral plumes behind them}
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh!
Poe: Here’s the plan! You lot distract them and set the stage for me to heroically save the day!
Poe: Pedals to the floor!
GM: <roll> The floor of your skimmer drops out and your foot pokes through the hole.
Poe: Pedals to the air!
[SFX]: kthunk! {the body panel falls off below Poe’s foot}
Poe: Ground forces! Lay down covering fire!
[SFX]: pow! pow!
[SFX]: pow! pow!
General Hux: Thirteen incoming speeders.
Kylo Ren: Bake that dozen!
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... {PIE fighters appear and fly towards the speeders}
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww...
[SFX]: vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww... vreeeeooooowww...
Poe: Evade! Evade! Let’s not die before I sacrifice myself!

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Published: Tuesday, 08 October, 2024; 02:11:10 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net