Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2527: Spectacular Reflection     >

Episode 2527: Spectacular Reflection


There's always an opportunity in any strange circumstance.

Surrounded by salt? Sell margaritas.

Dragon attacking the city? Sell fire insurance.

Violent peasant revolution against the king? Sell souvenir shirts with slogans such as "Join the Revolution – We Have Bread (Sometimes)" or "Serfs Up!"

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

..... Why would anyone want to taste the ground? Like, even setting aside the idea that it could be edible and sensible, it's still the ground and you're getting ready for a fight. Why risk contamination and possible poisoning?

Dang, this speeder formation looks pretty cool. Whether or not the dragging parts are necessary for the speeders, they're making a dust screen for the defenders. Sure, it makes it harder for both sides to aim at each others' static or slow moving targets, but that favors the defenders at the moment. The fliers can act as forward spotters and relay firing corrections back.

That is assuming, of course, that some of the ships survive and don't have the main characters inside. They'll be too busy trying to shoot the AT-ATs down or tow-rope trip them or something else main characterish.


GM: In the trench, Sergeant Sharp tentatively tastes the mineral crust.
Sergeant Sharp: Ptui! So much salt.
Resistance Trench Soldier: If only we had margaritas.
Sergeant Sharp: Well, you’re a rogue one, you are.
GM: Skim speeders burst through egress hatches in the blast door.
[SFX]: foop! foop! {two speeders pop out of hatches}
[SFX]: vreeow! vreeow! vreeow! vreeow! vreeow! {speeders fly down to the surface of the salt flat}
Finn: These jalopies are old, but they’re the fastest thing in this valley.
Finn: Rusted, banged up, and missing bodywork panels.
Rose: Ha! Your speeder is uglier than I am!
Rose: ... That didn’t come out right.
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh! {speeders skimming on monoskis and creating plumes of bright red mineral dust behind them}
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh! skkrrkkssshhh!
[SFX]: skkrrkkssshhh! skkrrkkssshhh! skkrrkkssshhh! skkrrkkssshhh!
Rose: Wow. This is spectacular even before our attack fails.
GM: I thought we’d reverse the order for a change.

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Published: Sunday, 06 October, 2024; 02:11:03 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net