Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2521: Sliding Into Home Base     >

Episode 2521: Sliding Into Home Base


In a game, your vehicle is not just a way of getting around. It's a resource. And that means if you don't use it up before your next chance to get repairs, then you're not taking full advantage.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ooooo! Now this is some action! I think this is even better than the Resistance shooting all three ships down. And of course, Jim/Poe wants to be the most heroic around. Will he finally get his wish? Probably not!

Not having the transcript available for commentary, I bet this is Finn piloting. Even if Rose claimed the pilot seat, these actions are totally Annie. It's also very lucky that the top fin got scraped off the top and nothing else bad happened. Well. Bad for the passengers anyway. I guess we'll see what damage it's done inside this bay next time.


Resistance Soldier: Incoming!!
Poe: Everyone move! Go, go! If anyone’s gonna be a hero here, it’s me!
GM: The shield door is coming down.
Finn: Can we get under it before it closes?
GM: <roll> Not... fully.
Finn: I leave the landing gear retracted and slam hard into the salt!
[SFX]: crunch!
GM: Er... okay. The shuttle takes hull damage and scrapes towards the lowering door.
Finn: The cabin is at the bottom, right?
Rose: I like that you’re confirming that after committing to the move.
[SFX]: scraaape! {the shuttle slides across the ground towards the fortress blast door}
[SFX]: scraaape!
[SFX]: rip! rend! fragment! {the closing door rips the upper fin off the shuttle}
BB-8: I’m glad we didn’t need that bit any more.
[SFX]: scraaape! {the remnants of the shuttle decelerate into the fortress}
Finn: If your vehicle can still move when you’re done, you haven’t pushed it hard enough!

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Published: Sunday, 22 September, 2024; 02:11:01 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net