Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2506: It’s Time to See What I Can Do     >

Episode 2506: It’s Time to See What I Can Do


Most games don't actually have a rule that causing a specific reaction from the GM produces any in-game effect. Most games.

Toon, the cartoon roleplaying game, includes a rule that any player who reduces the GM to hysterical laughter is awarded a Plot Point (useful for buying extra abilities).

In Murphy's World, characters can use Pun Magic, and the power of a spell is determined by how loud you can make the GM groan as you recite your pun spell.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Hah! That's even better than having read the book previously! Pete's going to know most if not all of the tricks he can pull off and probably give the GM some tips on what they could have done better on the NPC side. After he's won this fight of course.

I do wonder what exactly this is going to do to help. It doesn't look like the lightsaber is over any of the parts of the guard. It wouldn't make it any easier to grab the guard's weapon instead, given the arm lock. Maybe it's to get the dangerous plasma blade away from Rey so she can do a leg flip or something? Still not ideal though since the guard has a sword of their own.


GM: Anyway. Rey’s sword arm is restrained in an Immobilisation Grip.
Rey: Can I flex my wrist to hit the guard?
GM: You know what “Immobilisation” means, right?
Rey: Alas.
GM: Kylo is in a Weapon Haft Neck Lock. And you don’t even have your sword.
Kylo Ren: I try to break the hold!
GM: Okay. <flip> <flip> Your Break Grip manoeuvre has a -4 “unarmed versus armed opponent” penalty.
Kylo Ren: Hmm. 7.
GM: No good. Pete?
Rey: I drop my sword.
GM: You... what??
Rey: You’re surprised, right? So the guard would be surprised, granting +6 to Wrench Free.
GM: I don’t think you can extrapolate—
Rey: Check page 274.
GM: <flip> <flip> <flip> You know the page number?
Rey: Did you read the names in the playtester credits?
[SFX]: drop... {Rey lets go of her sword...}

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Published: Sunday, 18 August, 2024; 02:11:12 PDT.
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