Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2229: I’ve Been Luke-ing For You     >

Episode 2229: I’ve Been Luke-ing For You


Meeting former comrades should be a time for rejoicing, catching up with what's been happening, and reminiscing about old times.

Some of those old NPCs that feature in adventures early in a party's career can return later on, perhaps many game years later. Use them to remind the heroes of their earlier exploits. They can also be suitably impressed at all of the new adventures the heroes have had since last they saw them.

There can be a temptation to have the old acquaintances turn out to have become evil or otherwise antagonistic in the interval for Dramatic Purposes, but this is a well-worn trope so it may be best to avoid it. Or at least don't make it the case every single time.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

You know, I just realized that it was already mentioned that the now much-diminished party arrived at Ahch-To. Right after wondering what the heck was the point of the map if Luke was just found somewhere on the path going there. And going back to reread in the hopes I missed something important.

So now I don't have a bunch of questions like why there was this big to-do over getting the map in the first place. Now they're questions like: "Why is Luke just standing around on a deserted island?" "Why the heck did the producers want to fit all of this in at the end of the movie?" And "How on Earth Ahch-To is there still more to go in this movie?" I've thought we were almost at the end of the Episode like three times now! Seriously; if I didn't know this was a movie, I'd suspect that the Irregulars were stitching together a TV show extremely well somehow. Even if there's plot threads still around, movies have distinct endings! They don't just go "whoops we're out of time movie's over"!

So now what. Are we going to get another week or two of discussion between Luke and Rey to get Luke to take the laser sword back? Maybe with a teaser for the next Episode about what he was doing out here to begin with? Not the most exciting way to end the Episode, but that'd be reasonable enough at this point with the number of scenes since the moon exploded I think.


GM: An hour later, after finding nothing of value, and the weather having become overcast, you crest a narrow saddle between the peaks of the island.
GM: Standing before you is a figure, shrouded in robes, staring out to sea.
GM: The figure turns. It’s Luke, your uncle. Your Jedi trainer.
Rey: I take the laser sword from my satchel and hold it out to him.
Rey: I think you dropped this somewhere.
Rey: Same place as the hand.

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Published: Thursday, 10 November, 2022; 02:19:42 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net