Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2228: Piazza Huts     >

Episode 2228: Piazza Huts


Scenery is never just... scenic. It's always significant. If the GM describes something—anything—you can bet your bottom dollar that you're supposed to investigate it.

GMs: If you're ever short of an adventure when game time rolls around, just start describing things. In way more detail than should be necessary.

You wake up in the inn where you spent the night and wander downstairs to the common room to break your fast before setting out on your day. A bird sings conspicuously outside, a strangely catchy tune consisting of two descending notes followed by a trill and a final high note. The innkeeper is wiping down the bar, which you didn't notice last night is a strange purple colour unlike any wood you've seen before. The barkeep himself has one squinty eye which seems to twitch at you suggestively. The ceiling overhead creaks as other guests move about their rooms on the upper floor, a few shuffling footsteps, followed by a thud, and then an eerie creak...

With any luck you can get a full evening's play with the heroes just figuring out what the heck is going on in this inn and getting into conflicts with other innocent patrons.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

It might be how world looting works, but if this place is old enough to be made from cobblestone, why would there be any useful items in chests left behind? Especially if this place was found by following someone else's map. That said, there definitely is something here, and the GM just said what it was as well. If there's echoes, something has to be doing the echoing.

So why do we suddenly have stone huts in the movie anyway? Are we suddenly going to have someone pop out and say hello? We haven't seen Luke properly in the movie yet, but it'd also be really jarring to have him show up when the whole point of that map was to go find him on Ahch-To. An excuse to have another Force Vision perhaps?


GM: You approach a cluster of ancient stone huts.
GM: You sense echoes of Force activity, ages past.
Rey: Okay, there’s clearly something here. I search the huts.
GM: Um, are you sure?
Rey: They wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t meant to search them, no?
GM: That’s not how worldbuilding works.
Rey: But it’s how world looting works.

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Published: Tuesday, 08 November, 2022; 01:11:04 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net