Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2048: The Sword and the Stones     >

Episode 2048: The Sword and the Stones


Dramatic pauses are cool.




See how long you can pause in between telling the players anything, before the tension gets too great and they ask what's happening.




Then pause a bit longer.




Just make sure you've got something really cool or dangerous to tell them when you finish your pause.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Causing external explosions just by picking up a sword? That sounds really cool! Unless the explosions are from the sword calling an artillery strike on your head. That'd be much less cool. Chewbacca seems rather unconcerned that the rubble nearly hit him though. I guess it is rather difficult to look afraid or concerned with all that fur.

I do wonder why Kanata brought them all back inside though. Bringing the laser sword out with him when the Peace Moon fired off and drew the giant crowd would have made much more sense if he wanted to give it to someone out of this group of visitors that won't immediately run off. Maybe there's more stuff that the group needs to take with them? If the place is going to be destroyed, there's probably other things Kanata has that he wants saved. There's gotta be more artifacts he has than just the lightsaber, assuming he was actually a traveler in the movies as well.

Commentary by Keybounce (who has not seen the movie)

[Keybounce's comments will appear here when received.]


Finn: When you put it that way...
Finn: I take the sword.
Yanni: Does he get any cool visions?
GM: There’s a dramatic pause...
[SFX]: Boom!
GM: The building shakes and rubble falls from the ceiling.
Yanni: That’s neat. Do it again!
Chewbacca: That’s not him. We’re under attack.
Darth Kanata: The First Order!
Finn: I told you we had to get out of here!
Yanni: If it’s that weapon we saw outside, we’re dead already.
Chewbacca: I find that unlikely, at best.
Yanni: Why?
Chewbacca: I’m pretty sure Wookiee heaven wouldn’t have you in it.

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Published: Tuesday, 14 September, 2021; 02:11:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net