Darths & Droids


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Episode 1549: Walk This Way


If you want to introduce some plot point to your adventure, try throwing it into the middle of a running battle, instead of just having an NPC talk about it during a social encounter.

Actually it might be interesting to try doing this for all your plot points. You might need a lot of fighting though.

In panel two, did Bria just throw a grenade back at the troopers? Also, that's a pretty darn big explosion.

Now then, containers of large crystals. Are these by any chance Khyber saber crystals? Light saber crystals? Special hyperspace piloting crystals? Solidified spice from sandworm extract?

Were there any chicken walkers in the prequel trilogy? Is this the first appearance of a chicken walker in the Star Wars timeline? And can you imagine a meerkat walker?

Once again, we are reminded that talking is not a free action. The enemy is taking action even while you are trying to figure out what the enemy even is.

Still, does this mean that if you have a large group of four-legged walkers approaching you, that you are on the cow level?

— Keybounce

As of writing this annotation, I have had "How Many Toes Does a Fish Have?" (from Tacky the Penguin) stuck in my head for a good 3 hours. And thinking about it now, it's just the tune my dad invented when reading me the book as a kid, so it's entirely possible that I can safely not infect anyone else with the song.

For those not familiar, the ditty goes:

How many toes does a fish have?
How many wings on a cow?
I wonder, yup I wonder

But moving on...

I guess chronologically this is the first "walker-type" machine the GM had introduced. The AT-ATs then would be a case of "these ones are even cooler and scarier because I added more legs!"

As for these walkers, Sally seems to have the most accurate analogy. It definitely looks more like a meerkat. With guns, that is.

If only the GM had some old Lion King figurines lying around, he could have just made a big commando-Timon to terrorise the marketplace.

— aurilee


Cassian: This isn't our fight. Let's get out of here!
[SFX]: Kaboom!
GM: The tank is immobilised.
GM: You see some of the ambushers sifting through containers of large crystals seized from the tank.
GM: Trooper reinforcements arrive, with a light tank.
Chirrut: How is that different from the first tank?
GM: It's lighter. And, uh... on legs.
[SFX]: Pow!
Kyle: A giant cow with guns!
GM: No, on two legs.
Kyle: Like a two-legged cow!
K-2SO: No, silly! Standing up like a meerkat.
Cassian: With guns.
[SFX]: Pow! Pow!
GM: While you're pondering this it shoots at you.
Cassian: Let's get mooo-ving!

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Published: Sunday, 17 September, 2017; 03:11:01 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net