Good advice generally. If you successfully fast talk your GM into giving you some sort of ridiculous concession, take it and run. Pushing your luck can only lead to tears.
GM: You fall off. The trooper looks back in distraction and crashes into a tree.
[SFX]: Kerrunch! Kaboom!!
Leia: Did I do that?
GM: You take <roll>... 33 damage and <roll>... pass out.
GM: Meanwhile: Luke, make a Piloting roll.
[SFX]: zoooomm!! zoooomm!!
Luke: Can I get a bonus from Survival: Forest?
GM: What for?
Luke: Because I'm trying to survive. In a forest.
GM: I'll reduce the penalty for flying at breakneck speed through a heavily wooded forest. To the one for a medium wooded forest.
[SFX]: zoooomm!! zoooomm!!
R2-D2: Yeah. Take what you can get.