Many real world people appreciate art, so it's good to have a character who appreciates art.
In the same way that The Joker appreciates humour.
Boba Fett: Ah, I have not yet recounted the many injustices committed by your reprobate Jedi associate.
Boba Fett: Obi-Wan Kenobi killed my parents, all three of them!!
{flashback to Obi-Wan killing Darth Maul}
[SFX]: Sliiice!
{flashback to Zam Wessel dying as Obi-Wan looks on}
{flashback to young Boba holding Jango's helmet in the arena on Geonosis}
Young Boba Fett: Goodbye, adopted father.
Young Boba Fett: First my real father, then my mother, and now you.
Young Boba Fett: The people responsible for this will pay...
{end flashback}
Boba Fett: And Captain Solo has been impeding my retribution.
{Jabba looking rapt by this story}
Boba Fett: But now, Starkiller, you are surrounded, outnumbered, overwhelmed.
Boba Fett: My life's mission is coming to fruition. Solo's brain will be sliced and read.
Boba Fett: I will know where Obi-Wan is!!
Boba Fett: HE! WILL! PAY!!
Jabba: Oh my. That... was the best original dramatic narrative since...
Jabba: My birth.