When a Punch Clock Hero is opposed by a Punch Clock Villain, the ensuing conversations can turn somewhat bizarre. It's not done often in a game setting, but can be part of a light-hearted campaign, for example based on parodying the superhero genre. Or imagine a fantasy campaign where the orcs and dwarves all clock out at the end of a hard day of warring against one another and go grab a beer together.
GM: The lights come on. You're in a chamber starkly lit in orange and blue.
Luke: What on Earth for?
Han: {dead} It's a bar.
Luke: Right.
GM: It's futuristic, okay?
Darth Vader: So, it begins.
Luke: You know...
Darth Vader: Yes. I know.
Luke: Maybe we should...
Darth Vader: I think we need to.
GM: What?
Luke: Let's put this off until Tuesday.
Darth Vader: Yes, it's very late.
Luke: Yeah, and this is going to take a while.
R2-D2: What's going on? Has the fight started yet? Don't listen to anything Vader says!
Darth Vader: Okay, good night then.
Luke: Drive safely.