Darths & Droids


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Episode 958: Now Let's Get Things Started


If everything will be fine for the PCs as long as one particular thing doesn't happen... of course it should happen.

This is not to say it should necessarily be a complete disaster. It should just be a challenging situation, as opposed to everything working perfectly and there being no adventure at all.


{Rebel hangar}
Major Derlin: We should send a platoon to defend the Clabburn Range.
Captain Valdez: Don't be an idiot.
{cut to Chewie and Han working on the Falcon}
Chewbacca: Han, my dear chap, the ship is evidently in a state of unreadiness for such a hasty departure.
Chewbacca: I've had to reboot the computer five times today already.
[SFX]: weld weld
Han: It'll be fine. As long as the hyperdrive—
[SFX]: Boom!
[SFX]: Zzitz!
[SFX]: Kaboom!
Chewbacca: It's the Millennium Falcon! With our very special guest star, a non-functional hyperdrive! Yaaaaayyyy!!

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Published: Tuesday, 05 November, 2013; 02:11:02 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net