Also not forgetting to mention:
- Ripping off a group of civilians by charging an inflated price for some weapons on the promise of leading them to a fugitive, and then failing to deliver.
- Convincing said civilians to break the law by shooting at innocent racing drivers.
- Bribing a race competitor to sabotage another racer's pod, ultimately further endangering the life of a young boy.
- Rigging a dice roll to cheat a racer out of the opportunity to race.
- Securing the release of a slave with the full intention of leaving her child in slavery with no other family.
- Taking a different slave to the one that was agreed to be released.
- Not only turning a blind eye to a boy killing another innocent boy in anger, but actually helping the murderer escape the law.
Yoda: More to tell have you, perhaps, hmmm?
Qui-Gon: Oooooh yeah, that's right. We got some kick-ass weapons for my ship.
Yoda: Injected with, the boy, midi-chlorians... you...
Yoda: Let me start over.
Yoda: Injected the boy with midi-chlorians, have you?
Qui-Gon: Oh, that! It's okay. We'd gambled all our money on a race so we could buy back the ship we used to bribe a gangster to throw it.
Qui-Gon: So we had to doublecross him and fix the race instead.
Qui-Gon: We got the kid to drive, and he needed some extra skill points or he probably would have killed himself.
Obi-Wan: You forgot to mention that the ship was never ours to give away in the first place.
Obi-Wan: Or that you had no idea if Anakin would even survive the blood transfusion.
Qui-Gon: But it all worked out fine in the end.
Qui-Gon: After I threatened Watto with my laser sword and we ran away from the authorities.
Yoda: Hmmm.
Yoda: Remedial course on Jedi ethics, you need.