Darths & Droids


Cheddar Monk Academy - Padawan Yarn

Cheddar Monk Academy | Challenges | Padawans

Padawan Yarn has completed 3 challenges and scored 16 points.

ChallengePointsTime (GMT)Notes
Force Sensitivity, Level 1:
Detect Evil
10   2009-11-01 00:18:43   You successfully detected the evilness or otherwise of 32 people out of 32.
Negotiation, Level 2:
Suggest a Challenge
5   2010-01-11 06:06:45   A straightforward challenge, very usable.
Secrecy, Level 1:
Secret Padawan Phrase
1   2010-02-03 09:58:14   ASCII and ye shall receive.

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Published: Wednesday, 03 February, 2010; 01:58:18 PST.
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