Darths & Droids


Cheddar Monk Academy - Padawan Sesquepadalia

Cheddar Monk Academy | Challenges | Padawans

Padawan Sesquepadalia has completed 7 challenges and scored 38 points.

ChallengePointsTime (GMT)Notes
Force Jump, Level 1:
Standing Jump
3   2009-10-20 06:26:48   A fine jump, showing good use of hand-moderated Force control. Photo here.
Force Levitation, Level 1:
3   2009-10-20 06:33:22   Another excellent example of Levitation! Video here.
Force Sensitivity, Level 1:
Detect Evil
10   2009-11-12 23:23:44   You successfully detected the evilness or otherwise of 32 people out of 32.
Laser Sword, Level 1:
Build your Laser Sword
7   2010-01-23 23:29:30   An excellent step-by-step tutorial in laser sword construction. The blade length is a concern, but you are clearly on the path to the dual-wielding style, which can be effective with shorter swords.
Creativity, Level 1:
Title Crawl
6   2010-01-23 23:40:33   A dire predicament indeed! This suspense-filled crawl is seen here.
Exploration, Level 3:
5   2010-01-23 23:45:55   Beware interacting with dangerous natives, even in the warmer equatorial climes of Hoth! Photos here.
Negotiation, Level 2:
Suggest a Challenge
4   2010-02-24 10:03:06   A very worthy challenge indeed for our students. We shall see if we can use it.

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Published: Wednesday, 24 February, 2010; 02:03:10 PST.
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