If there's any way to get a fellow player to not trust you that is faster than passing the GM a note, then it hasn't been invented yet. It's orders of magnitude more paranoia-inducing than merely attempting to inject their character with some unknown substance, for example.
In the universe the players inhabit, X-Men does not exist. That's the premise of this entire comic, after all. But most of the other things we know and love (such as spandex costumes) do, albeit modified by the lack of X-Men:
- Mutantballs is a serious documentary about evolutionary biology.
- Hugh Jackman is known (barely) for doing voiceovers for poorly selling computer games, but gains widespread fame after his appearance in the first Futurama movie.
- Famke Jannsen is known primarily for her role in Goldeneye.
- Nerdy guys make YouTube videos of themselves pretending to be corporate movers and shakers instead of edgy vigilantes.
- Without the success of X-Men to spark interest in superhero films, Batman was never revived with movies and new series, and remains an obscure short-running 1960s TV show.
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was never filmed. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen fans never had it so good.
- The major superhero team background that pervades all of Western culture is Super Friends, despite it never being much good. It was remade recently as a new, updated television series with a bigger budget, high-tech computerised special effects, and edgy writing. And it sucked.
- Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, all the greatest Hollywood blockbusters were big-budget westerns.
- The Comic Irregulars exist and are making a screencap comic based on Aliens.
Vision-Impaired Transcript
GM: You regain consciousness just as Jean is about to inject you with something.
{flurry of action}
Jean Grey: I'm not going to hurt you!
Wolverine: Yeah, right. I saw those notes you passed to the GM.
Jean Grey: They were character development notes!
Wolverine: I break free and run for the nearest door! 18!
GM: <sigh> You escape into a gleaming metal corridor.
{shots of Wolverine wandering a bit}
{Wolverine makes his way to Xavier's office}
Xavier: Hello, Logan.
Wolverine: How do you know my name?
Xavier: I took Bald and Paraplegic to get enough points to buy the most awesome psychic powers ever!
Cyclops: {entering} You're not the only one who got cool superpowers.
Cyclops: I can shoot energy bolts from my eyes.
Storm: And mesa makes rainbows and pretty animal shapes in da clouds!