If one of your players tries taking low Intelligence or Wisdom in order to spend the saved points on combat abilities, make sure they get into situations where planning and tactics is important, and penalise them to the full for making poor preparations.
You can really drive the story along this way, by short-circuiting anything tricky they try to do to get around your planned obstacles.
In the real world of the Enlisted Men & Extraterrestrial Biological Entities universe, of course, the Alien movies don't exist. That's the premise of this entire comic, after all. But most of the other things we know and love (such as morally ambiguous androids) do, albeit modified by the lack of Alien:
- Xenoballs is a serious documentary about extrasolar planets.
- Sigourney Weaver is known (barely) for doing voiceovers for poorly selling computer games, but gains widespread fame after her appearance in the first Futurama movie.
- H. R. Giger is known primarily as a production designer for Batman Forever.
- Nerdy guys make YouTube videos of themselves driving forklift trucks instead of power-loaders.
- Without the success of Alien to spark interest in science fiction horror, Dr Who was never revived with a movie and a new series, and remains an obscure short-running TV show.
- The Lawnmower Man was never made into a film. Stephen King fans never had it so good.
- The major science fiction horror background that pervades all of Western culture is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, despite it never being much good. The original film was remade recently into a new, updated television series with a bigger budget, high-tech computerised special effects, and edgy writing. And it sucked.
- Throughout the 80s and 90s, all the greatest Hollywood blockbusters were big-budget sports films.
- The Comic Irregulars exist and are making a screencap comic based on The Wizard of Oz.
Vision-Impaired Transcript
Ripley: I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Burke: Hold on. This installation has a substantial dollar value.
Newt: Yeah! There's tons of stuff we can loot!
Hudson: Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, kid!
Vasquez: Mesa agrees with Ripley.
Burke: I hate to pull rank—
Ripley: Actually, this is a military operation. Corporal Hicks is now in charge.
Hicks: Yep. Ferro, get the dropship over here. We'll strafe the bugs and then loot the site.
SFX: Krunch! {the dropship clips a rock outcrop}
SFX: Kerash! {the dropship crashes}
SFX: KABOOOM! {the dropship explodes}
Hudson: Well that's great! That's just great, man. Now what the heck are we supposed to do, man? We're in some real pretty poodoo now!
Hicks: Wha...?
GM: That's what you get for making plans when you choose minimum INT and WIS to max out your combat stats.
Newt: Awesome! Now we have to fight! Bring 'em on!