Beckett: Enrico... come here....
Enrico: What is it?
Beckett: You steal-a my identity. But I steal-a Freddo’s identity first-a! So you notta Tobias Beckett. Yousa Freddo!
Enrico: Mesa Freddo?
Beckett: Ugh, no. It’sa you, Freddo.
Enrico: It’sa me, Freddo?
Beckett: There you go.
Jim: Beckett died in my arms. So I was now Freddo.
Freddo: If I’ma take-a his identity, I’ma need a false-a moustache.
Chewbacca: And where are you going to get the hair from?
Freddo: I gotsa scathingly brilliant-a idea! My-a hairy friend-a...