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Backstory 204: Double Sided Sticky Scrape

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Jim: Meanwhile, back at the village, Aemon Gremm made a surprising discovery!
Aemon Gremm: {into radio} Dryden! The container’s empty. There’s no fake coaxium here!
Dryden Vos: What? Get Enfys Nest! Find out where it is!
Jim: But an officer removed Nest’s helmet, and it wasn’t her!
Jim: All the raiders were villagers! Enfys and her gang leapt out and attacked with surprise!
[SFX]: Kick!
[SFX]: Boom!
[SFX]: Pow! Pow!
Jim: They overpowered Dryden’s officers.
Jim: This is why I had Sally play both Aemon Gremm and Enfys Nest.
Chewbacca: What? Why?
Jim: The only person who can plausibly beat Sally in a tactical ambush misdirection situation is Sally.

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Published: Monday, 01 August, 2022; 21:47:56 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net