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Backstory 188: The Wrong Arm of the Law

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Enfys Nest: I need a drink. Bring them inside!
Beckett: How come she gets the brandy?
Jim: They knew her here.
Enfys Nest: Criminals like us, we have to stick together. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and we’re both the dogs.
Enfys Nest: We can’t go around killing each other all the time. Then the enemy wins.
Beckett: Who’s the enemy?
Jim: Nest turned to the local inhabitants.
Enfys Nest: Who do you fear the most? Show them!
Jim: An old woman silently scratched a circular logo on a dusty wall.
[SFX]: silence
Enfys Nest: The Imperial Police. They’re corrupt.
Jim: Qi’ra subtly hid her police logo tattoo.
Enfys Nest: I heard this one guy goes around murdering prisoners for merit badges!
Beckett: That guy sounds like a right schmuck.
Jim: Beckett was being clever.
Beckett: It’s not clever if you explain it.

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Published: Monday, 01 August, 2022; 21:48:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net