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Backstory 136: That’s the Way the Wookiees Crumble

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Jim: The convicts rioted and began subjugating the guards!
Prisoner: Attica! Attica!
Jim: Except Chewbacca spotted some guards browbeating a group of Wookiees.
[SFX]: poke prod
Chewbacca: Prisoners of moderate strength are overpowering guards, but a group of Wookiees is unable to?
Jim: With all that hair it wasn’t just browbeating, it was all-over-beating.
Chewbacca: Dominico! I must assist my oppressed kinsfolk!
Dominico: Remember what Beckett said! Stick to the plan!
Chewbacca: The plan where he shoots us in the back as we try to escape?
Dominico: Escape rich!
Chewbacca: ... Nevertheless, my people need me.
Dominico: I’m your people!
Chewbacca: Not. Even. Close.

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Published: Monday, 01 August, 2022; 21:48:19 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net