Jim: In the control room, L3-37 tried to access cameras to track me and Chewie.
L3-37: Out of the way, stupid.
Jim: DD-BD’s restraining bolt was keeping it at its post. L3 removed it.
[SFX]: klink
DD-BD: Oh, thank you, sir! Those 10010011110111s had me enslaved.
L3-37: Put a space-sock in it.
DD-BD: Is there any way I can repay you?
L3-37: Yeah, create a diversion. Just... cause a lot of trouble.
DD-BD: Oh, I excel at that, sir!
Jim: L3-37 brought up a map to track us.
L3-37: Oooh. It’s a Pac-Man system. I know this.
L3-37: Pac-Man? Really? What’s the most recent video game you’ve played?
Jim: Pac-Man.