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Backstory 117: Hollow Chess

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Jim: In the passenger lounge, Chewbacca was teaching Beckett how to play Dejarik on the holographic game table.
Chewbacca: The big ones have advantageous Muscle. The smaller ones have good Agility or Speed.
Chewbacca: You’re the Monnok, with the staff. You have high Acumen and Personality.
Beckett: And you said I can cast magic spells?
Chewbacca: Yes. Just cross-reference your Thaumaturge grade against the spell degree to get the target figure.
Chewbacca: The board will evaluate the probability and simulate the effects.
Beckett: And this is fun?
Chewbacca: It’s a labyrinthine intellectual undertaking.
Beckett: So...?
Chewbacca: Of course it’s fun!

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Published: Monday, 01 August, 2022; 21:48:27 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net