Chewbacca: So, Chi’ra, the sensible thing is to hold on, not release the cables, and fly into the cliff.
Chi’ra: I better blow the cable releases then! Chewie, hold on!
[SFX]: unclick unclick
Beckett: Wait, what just happened?
Chewbacca: Reverse psychology, my good partner in crime. I just saved our lives.
Beckett: Yeah, but we’re gonna be poor!!
Jim: The car was too heavy for Nest’s cables.
[SFX]: zeeow! zeeow!
[SFX]: vvrrooaarr...
[SFX]: zeeow! zeeow!
Jim: It plummeted to its destruction, the coaxium blasting the entire mountain to smithereens.
[SFX]: Ka-boom!!!
[SFX]: vvrrooaarr...
Beckett: Such a waste.
Chi’ra: Yes, that was a lovely homoclinal dolomite thanatocoenosis.