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Backstory 62: Troll Model

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Alright, so it’s still just Enfys Nest then. I guess rewriting the name would be a little hard to adjust on the fly, find-and-replace not being available for a paper copy.

Uh oh. Think fast, Jim! This doesn’t seem like a like a great intro for a character based on Sally! And remember, this is Greedo’s backstory. Sally played a lot of characters before Greedo made an appearance, but none of them were exceptionally evil like Kylo.

Enfys has a pretty good outfit at least. Unique helmet, the weird shoulder thing, some wrist doodads, and a chest decoration. The details there at least feel like something Sally would come up with.


Jim: Chewie, Beckett, and I had three of the four winch cables attached to the coaxium car, but were interrupted by the arrival of Enfys Nest’s marauders.
[SFX]: zeeow! zeeow!
Jim: Sally, I modelled Enfys Nest after you. Would you—
Enfys Nest: Cool!
Chi’ra: Who’s that?
Beckett: Enfys Nest!
Rio: The most despicable, contemptible, lowlife scum imaginable. You know how there’s honour among thieves? Well, this guy has none!
Enfys Nest: This is modelled on me?
Jim: In a good way!

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Published: Monday, 15 August, 2022; 17:04:18 PDT.
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