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Backstory 38: Chain Reaction

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Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

That’s a lot fewer spectators than I was expecting to see. But I guess maybe this was less “entertainment” and more “simply feed the pet monster”. Maybe the room is being recorded? There must be something Jim’s story is missing that’d explain why almost everyone left.

Man, I wanna see the equations now. And not just because of this comic; weirdly enough, this is the second comic I’ve seen where a person with super-human strength propels themself by throwing an uncontrolled object they’ve been tied to. At least here, Chewbacca could just be jumping right after the toss to keep the required change in his own momentum down.


Collum Woslo: Woe! They’ve caved the roof in!
[SFX]: Crash!
Chewbacca: That seems satisfactory. But how shall we ascend to the surface?
Chi’ra: Toss me up there, and then since we’re chained together the chain will pull you up too!
Chewbacca: That... can’t possibly work.
Jim: Actually it can. Wanna see the equations?
Chewbacca: I mean, it would rip our limbs from their sockets. And that is not a thing I ever want to do.
Chi’ra: Just do it, it’s our only way out of here!
[SFX]: Heave! {Chi’ra flies out of the pit}
[SFX]: Splat! {Chi’ra lands with a faceplant into the mud}
[SFX]: Cat! {Chewbacca lands gracefully on his feet}
Chewbacca: That was uncommonly gratifying.
Chi’ra: My plans always are.

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Published: Thursday, 21 July, 2022; 01:13:09 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net