rDuHbe'ba'taHvIS QIch yajlu'bogh, Hoch QIch joq, reH ja'chuqlaHchu' QujwI' ghotpu' 'ej nablaHchu'. 'ej bejlaH neH ghot luSeHlu'bogh mIS.
tlhIngan Hol: David Trimboli (SuStel), Robyn Stewart (Qov)
Translator Notes
This one was pretty easy, but made for some rather elegant Klingon!
The trickiest bit was how to translate non-player character. At first I had an unwieldy, sentence-long phrase, but then I remembered that we're calling the GM the Quj SeHwI' (game controller), so I decided on ghot SeHlu'bogh (controlled person), using the same verb, SeH (control).