Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2578: The Statue Got Me Low     >

Episode 2578: The Statue Got Me Low


Giant statues are inherently cool. Look at the Argonath in Lord of the Rings.

Your campaign world needs giant statues. Seriously. They look impressive. They hint at mysterious ancient civilisations. They loom ominously.

And all this is even without them coming to life and threatening your band of puny adventurers! Just look at Talos, from Jason and the Argonauts, which was the prototype.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

I guess the gloomy foggy atmosphere is a part of the inside as well. A shame really; there's a point at which the lack of visible detail makes things less spooky when there's only visuals available, and I think we've crossed that mark.

And man those are some giant statues. You can just barely make out the red light of Kylo's lightsaber at the very bottom. I'd thought it might be something else, until I looked at it really zoomed in and got an eyedropper tool to confirm there's some red. There's nothing else on this planet that's been red so far, so it's gotta be Kylo. I'd also thought that Kylo might have ditched the goofy crossguard, but no. That's still there in panel 4, just really tiny.

Wait a minute, Kylo went downwards. The comic even just said the platform descended past the statues. So why have the pyramid then? That's like the perfect spooky base sort of thing! It's probably too much to hope that it's a weird spaceship of some kind; pyramids aren't really a Star Wars spaceship aesthetic.


Kylo Ren: So this pyramid is floating above the ground?
GM: The sea floor. About 3 metres up. You can walk under it.
Kylo Ren: Well that sounds like a smart idea.
[SFX]: Kerackk! {lightning flashes in the distance, visible under the looming bulk of the floating pyramid}
Rey: Rocks fall, you die, on a whole other level.
GM: Uh... The pyramidal key you found indicates this is the correct entrance.
Rey: Not just a trap... A sucker trap.
Kylo Ren: Hmm. I stride in boldly. My sword ready to cut a bolthole if the thing collapses on me.
GM: You reach a platform which descends past the judging glare of enormous stone statues.
Kylo Ren: What are they judging?
Rey: Probably your cape. It’s so last adventure.
GM: One statue looks like it’s holding up a scorecard.
GM: It’s a 5.

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Published: Sunday, 02 February, 2025; 01:11:11 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net