Darths & Droids


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Episode 2576: The Carcasso Sea


An adventure inside a giant creature is a pretty cool concept for a game setting. It could be an actual giant creature, or you could potentially shrink the heroes (with magic or tech) and put them inside a normal-sized creature. The classic fictional take is Fantastic Voyage, but there have been numerous since.

For added coolness, have the heroes enter the body of a creature without realising they're inside one. And watch as they slowly figure it out from the clues you drop.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Whoa, and we're suddenly back to Kylo again. I guess that was just a quick stop to see some of the Resistance members in order to give Kylo time to jump in his ship and start flying. Which, fair enough. I think though that we could have just had a jump cut from Kylo holding the holocron straight to Kylo flying with it plugged in. Perhaps with a neat zoom-in and zoom-out on the holocron green color.

Exegol? That's a suitably mysterious name I think. It doesn't have the obvious similarity that Abys or Byss or whatever that comic story's planet's name was, but maybe that's because I haven't seen a word that Exegol could be a part of yet. And that's assuming we actually do have a planet here. It could end up actually being a space station inside this nebula-like thing à la the Mass Effect 2 Collectors and their debris field. Exegol the name also reminds me of a video game boss called Exgal, though the only overlap I can see between the two is they're spooky eldritchy things, it appears.

One other thing I just realized here, a week past the start of the Episode; we may or may not have had a time skip between Episode VIII and IX. Pretty much every other Episode had something indicating it was in the future on the very first comic page. We've just jumped right into this Episode with no extra commentary from the players on the game or other things in life. Maybe they didn't actually take a long break between 8 and 9? I think that would be a first for the main episodes if so.


GM: The invitation Kylo found holds navigation records showing passage through the Red Honeycomb Zone.
GM: This region surrounds the mysterious planet of Exegol.
Kylo Ren: I head there.
GM: Flying through the Zone resembles traversing the bloodstream of some gargantuan creature.
GM: Not a speck of light is showing, so the danger must be growing...
Kylo Ren: I’m not actually in a giant creature, am I?
GM: Oh, no! Of course not.
GM: The nebula is made of the bloody remains of all who have attempted to reach Exegol and failed.
Kylo Ren: That must be a lot of people.
GM: Oh yes. They’re also smeared out very thinly.

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Published: Tuesday, 28 January, 2025; 01:11:05 PST.
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