Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2552: Ghost in the Machete     >

Episode 2552: Ghost in the Machete


Artefacts often have strange effects on people's minds. Obviously the One Ring, but also the Palantíri from The Lord of the Rings. The Mind Stone from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Voldemort's horcruxes from Harry Potter.

If you want to have some good old fashioned fun in a game, introduce a powerful item with caveat that it tries to possess or influence anyone who attempts to use it. Good old risk versus reward.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Oh snap! In the middle of this laser sword fight is not where I thought we'd see the return of the comic plot! That's gonna throw out a lot of the guessing I can do just based on what I see. Like Darth Vader actually threw his lightsaber, right? The comic did a pretty good job of presenting that fact as not the case in this story.

They really aren't going to be blasted by the AT-ATs though. That's too much of a stretch even for the comic after we've already seen that they don't affect Luke at all. We've had an "Air Strike" that was really just a targeted aerial attack on Rey and Finn, rather than something that flattened the town. So this couldn't be more than an exaggeration of the order at most. And if it's not close, perhaps Nute shows up next comic and controls the AT-AT to prevent it from firing. It's been a while since we've seen a sign of him as well, after all.


Luke: You can’t destroy this sword. I’ve tried.
[SFX]: whmmm...
Kylo Ren: Why would you want to destroy your own weapon?
Luke: The sword isn’t the problem. It’s what lies within.
Luke: You think I was hiding on Ahch-To? No. I was protecting the Galaxy.
Kylo Ren: From what?
Luke: I’m not sure you’ll like the answer, Kylo Ren. Or should I say... Greedo Solo?
[SFX]: whmmm...
[SFX]: whmmm...
Anakin’s Voice: Greedo!! You live!!
Kylo Ren: What madness is this?
Anakin’s Voice: I never cheated in the Boonta Eve pod race!!
[SFX]: whmmm...
Kylo Ren: Anakin?!?!
General Hux: Oh... No!!
General Hux: Blast them! Blast both of them!
Jober Tavson: I’m sure that will go well for us.

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Published: Tuesday, 03 December, 2024; 01:11:02 PST.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net