Darths & Droids


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Episode 2516: Katana Split


Sometimes in fiction when people are fighting over some object, the conflict destroys the very object they desire. Oh, the sweet irony!

This makes it a perfect thing to happen in a game scenario. It's hard to set it up, but keep an eye out for any opportunity to use it if it comes up organically.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

...... Is this why we can't have nice things? Because people can't share?

I'm not sure if I should be more surprised by the lightsaber being pulled in half or the explosion that happened just after. I mean, we've seen lightsabers get chopped in half before without an explosion, so there's gotta be something else going on. Are we seeing the first instance of Force Explosion? It wouldn't be the most out there of Force powers shown off in the sequels, so it seems plausible. And since Kylo and Rey were moving apart, there'd be a lot of pulling force here to pull the laser sword in half.

Hey, maybe this ends up being part of the next movie's plot! Rey takes her half and runs away with it, and Kylo is dumb enough to think that he needs this particular lightsaber. For some reason. So as a result, he makes the First Order chase Rey down to try and recover it. That could be a good central conflict of some kind. The only sticking point is Rey deciding to run away at this moment and successfully doing so as well.


GM: We resolve this... Force Arm-Wrestle with an opposed contest.
Kylo Ren: Best of three!
GM: <sigh> Fine.
Kylo Ren: 13!
Rey: 15!
GM: Rey gains a slight advantage. Roll again.
Kylo Ren: Ugh. 6.
Rey: Argh! 5.
GM: Kylo regains ground! The sword resonates as it takes the strain. Final roll.
Kylo Ren: 20! Yes!!
Rey: Come on... 20!!!
[SFX]: Kerrrack!! {the sword is sundered in twain}
[SFX]: Kaboom!! {the resulting explosion pushes Kylo and Rey back, away from each other}
Kylo Ren: Well, now what do we fight over?
Rey: ... The bigger half?

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Published: Tuesday, 10 September, 2024; 02:11:02 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net