Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2500: Watch Out, You Might Get What You’re After     >

Episode 2500: Watch Out, You Might Get What You’re After


Setting the scenery on fire during a fight is always good for increasing the stakes and adding excitement. It's just generally fun as well. Players get to set stuff on fire all the time. The GM should get in on the fun too!

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Whoa, now that's a surprising move by the guard. I suppose that'd work to grab a lightsaber, but it's not something I'd think of for controlling a plasma blade. Maybe because, like the goofy crossguard on Kylo's sword, there's parts that would melt when touching the blade if it moves wrongly and then the whole weapon is ruined.

Also wait, that's a tapestry? I'd thought that was a large polished wall with red light shining up at it, like most of the aesthetics the First Order lighting has. What's the point of having it be some fabric thing? Aside from what Sally sarcastically mentioned anyway. Might as well have the whole ship start burning at this point, right?


GM: A guard swings a Bilari electro-chain whip at Rey.
Rey: Parry! Ugh, 6.
[SFX]: whoooom!!
GM: Your sword blocks the blow, but is entangled in the chain.
Rey: It cuts through it like butter, though, right?
[SFX]: kzrrzzk! {the electro-chain whip and sword are locked together}
GM: Would guards trained to fight Jedi be using weapons a laser sword could cut through in a campaign you ran?
Rey: ... Yyeeess...
Rose: <cough>owlbear<cough>
Rey: Okay, fine.
[SFX]: kzrrzzk!
GM: The guard reels you in and grabs your throat.
[SFX]: kzrrzzk! {the guard pulls Rey closer with the electro-chain whip and grabs her throat}
Rey: Twist under, pop up behind, and pull sword through his chest! 15!
[SFX]: whoooom!!
[SFX]: Stab! {Rey’s sword pierces the guard from behind in a shower of sparks}
Rey: I fling the chain away.
[SFX]: fliiiiiiiiiing... {the electro-chain whip flies through the air}
GM: <roll> It hits the wall tapestry, setting it ablaze.
[SFX]: scorchio!
Poe: Good idea! Set the rest of the ship on fire!
[SFX]: whoooom!! {Kylo Ren stabs a guard}
Kylo Ren: Yeah. I was disappointed the part of the ship we’re in wasn’t burning.

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Published: Sunday, 04 August, 2024; 02:11:05 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net