Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2496: Praetorian’s Fork     >

Episode 2496: Praetorian’s Fork


Having NPCs jump to conclusions can be a good source of tension. The heroes know the truth, but how can they convince an NPC who has assumed the worst and isn't in a mood to be convinced otherwise? This gives good opportunities for roleplaying, and also for clever logic and use of any evidence they may have. Or reason to fabricate evidence to clear themselves, which raises moral dilemmas.

And if worst comes to worst, the heroes can find themselves in a fight they don't want, where it would be unfair to kill the antagonist over what is a misunderstanding after all. They may want to defend themselves and incapacitate the attacker without causing lasting damage, which is a whole different kettle of fish to a more typical fight where you just want to defeat the opponent at all costs.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Hmmm. That definitely raises the odds that Rey or Kylo was the cause of Snoke's side-splitting bad time rather than something else happening. They're turning away from each other while they've both got lightsabers ignited, and now the guards are all rushing in. Still can't say which of the two did it, however. Or why for that matter. If there was more comic-movie dialogue overlap in the first 6 episodes, I'd say that Kylo really does have a thing for Rey, and he probably did it. As it is, that seems a little bit too much like Ben teasing Sally instead, and Rey was still the one who caught the lightsaber when it flew over. Though perhaps the Force Phonecalls had some lines that'd put context to this development and there's nothing character-wise that's useful to look at from Episode VII.

So where do we go from here for obvious villains? Movie-wise that is. Nute is still out there as a virtual ghost in the comic, and hopefully that plot will wrap up nicely. But we seem to be missing a visually big evil villain now, and I think Hux doesn't have the skills to step into that role. Phasma neither; shiny armor is nice and shiny, but it's not exactly evil. Kylo takes over later perhaps now that his master has been offed? He'd smashed his helmet earlier, but another one could always be procured. That'd make for a nicely menacing appearance; I still remember how snake-like he first looked with that on and the hood.


Rey: Right. It’s you versus me, Kylo.
GM: Before you can do anything, Snoke’s ultra-loyal Praetorian Guard surround you.
Praetorian Guard: Okay, which one o’ you two Force shanked the Boss?
Rey: He did it to himself!
Kylo Ren: Yeah.
Praetorian Guard: A likely story.
Praetorian Guard: You two in cahoots? A coordinated hit?
Rey: What if we say yes?
Praetorian Guard: We kill you.
Kylo Ren: What if we say no?
Praetorian Guard: We don’t believe you, and kill you.
Rey: I love the choices a roleplaying game offers you.
Praetorian Guard: Shoulda thought o’ that before you got into this situation.
Rey: No, I mean I really love it!
Rey: Bring it on!!

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Published: Thursday, 25 July, 2024; 02:11:01 PDT.
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