Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2493: For the Call of Thunder Threatens Everyone     >

Episode 2493: For the Call of Thunder Threatens Everyone


Want to unnerve your players? Just say something weird. Something that barely makes any sense in the context of the game as it stands.

They'll think it has to be something important and probably dangerous going on.

It doesn't necessarily have to be, but that'd be cool too.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

When you get back, Holdo? When? I suppose that might have been a good way to make Poe shut up. He'd stop talking and try to figure out what time that might be and you could just go about your business of crashing this ship. It didn't work for long as a distraction, mind you, but it's the thought that counts.

And of course, to no surprise given the set-up, Everything happens All at Once for dramatic effect. One could also argue that Holdo and the Raddus might be Everywhere afterwards as well given the damage to Time that seems to have occurred. I doubt this movie has parallel universes showing up as a result of the damage, but it'd be really interesting if the comic managed to work that consequence in. PC actions should always either fix things, make things worse, or especially both at the same time!


Poe: I want to contact Holdo by radio!
GM: Sally’s behind the sofa...
Admiral Holdo: How can I help you, young man?
Poe: That’s exactly it! I’m a young man, you’re an older woman. I should be the one to sacrifice myself!
Admiral Holdo: Look, we can discuss sexism in survival situations when I get back.
Admiral Holdo: How’s the hyperdrive?
GM: Time splinters and folds, forming laminated layers.
GM: Time splinters and folds, forming laminated layers.
GM: It’s ready.
General Phasma: Execute!
GM: Time splinters and folds, forming laminated layers.
Snoke: I turn the sword and strike at Rey!
GM: Time splinters and folds...
Poe: Let me do it!
Admiral Holdo: Tough luck!
GM: Time splinters and folds...
General Hux: What is that cruiser doing?
Captain Peavey: Oh poooo—
GM: ... splinters and folds...
{Admiral Holdo activates hyperdrive}
GM: ... splinters...
[SFX]: Whoooosh!
GM: Time...
GM: ... folds...
GM: There’s a terrible ghastly noise.

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Published: Thursday, 18 July, 2024; 02:11:09 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net