Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2490: Fiery the Angels Fell     >

Episode 2490: Fiery the Angels Fell


Some jobs are ridiculously specialised. But the cool thing is that such jobs really existed throughout history. Consider:

If jobs like this can exist in the real world, you're justified in having any sort of wacky specialised job exist in your fantastical game world. Consider the possibilities of the following speculative job titles: graveyard whisperer, dream weaver, domestic cursemaker, potion tester, skyrune scriber, elemental cartographer, dragon polisher, time merchant.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Ohhhh. Now it makes sense why the GM has been stretching out the hyperdrive warm-up; they had a big speech to give first! Such a shame Hux isn't in the room to squash such ridiculous ideas as having to make it a showy death. OH WAIT. Maybe the mention of Niima rattled him a little too much. Certainly couldn't be the long-winded speech we got to skip.

The laser axes look pretty neat, like that energy mace. Impractical as heck, but still pretty neat. And I would be surprised at how much work the executioners get as well. This is a large capital ship, and while important prisoners might get brought aboard now and then, it seems unlikely that important prisoners would be showing up here every month, let alone every week. The black shoulders and helmet highlight are a good costuming touch to show their role though.


General Phasma: ... And his dark secret love Does thy life destroy.
Finn: If you’re gonna do it, just get it over with!
General Phasma: Execution by blaster is too good for you. Let’s make this hurt.
[SFX]: boot!
[SFX]: shove! {Rose and Finn and booted and shoved to the deck}
Rose: {lying on the floor} I hope my dying screams echo in your head for eternity!
General Phasma: Poor deluded Rosebud. Wails mean naught to me.
General Phasma: I watched the annihilation of the Hosnian system, near Thetan Hausig VIII. Billions of voices crying out in terror.
General Phasma: Your scream will be but a minor footnote on my psyche’s trophæal chorus of carnage.
General Phasma: I guess, Rosebud, you’re just a piece in a jigsaw puzzle. A missing piece.
GM: Executioner troopers move forward with laser axes.
General Phasma: On my command...
[SFX]: kzzztzzzt... {the laser axes hum with energy}
[SFX]: kzzztzzzt...
Rose: “Executioner troopers”? Do they really get enough work?
GM: You’d be surprised.
[SFX]: kzzztzzzt...
Rose: I don’t even want to mention the laser axes.

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Published: Thursday, 11 July, 2024; 02:11:06 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net