Darths & Droids


<     Episode 2218: There’s a Light Over at the Falcon’s Turning Place     >

Episode 2218: There’s a Light Over at the Falcon’s Turning Place


Searchlights are great. You can spot people in the dark, light up targets, find missing friends.

And draw conspicuous attention to yourself so that every enemy from here to the horizon knows exactly where you are.

Commentary by memnarch (who has not seen the movie)

Wanting someone alive to interrogate them is a kind of caring I guess. Though that would just be Pete being Pete. Movie-Rey might be making that face if she had the same thoughts, but I highly doubt she'd have the tear starting to run down her face at the same time looking at Finn. Now I'm wondering what method was used for the snow. It'd have to be somewhat people safe to let Finn just lie face down in it for however many takes it would need at least. I guess it could also be all CGI; I know there's a lot of movie sets that are completely green-screened these days and the lighting does seem a bit unnatural.

And thank goodness Chewbacca's got the sense to try and look around for the rest of the party before the moon completely falls apart. While I don't think the Falcon was mentioned as having lifesign sensors, I'd be very surprised if those weren't a standard spaceship feature. And like I'd thought, there's no time to go back and look for Kylo. Or so Chewie claims anyway.


Rey: Finn!
GM: He’s unresponsive.
Rey: Damn. He better not die.
GM: Good to see you caring about your comrades.
Rey: I want to interrogate him about all this double agent stuff.
Chewbacca: Meanwhile, since apparently nobody else made it back to the Falcon, I turn on the searchlights.
GM: You spot Rey and Finn in the forest.
Chewbacca: I land nearby and help them on board.
Rey: Let me take one last look before we go.
Chewbacca: We don’t have time to look for Kylo Ren. The moon is breaking up!
Rey: Another superweapon I’ll never own...

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Published: Sunday, 16 October, 2022; 02:11:04 PDT.
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