"Why aren't you dead?" is a great line to try to elicit from players during a game session. See how many ways you can do it!
Palpatine: Once I had Anakin's midi-chlorians, I extinguished his life.
Darth Vader: You... what?
Palpatine: It's the one act of murder I don't regret; yet it's the one that haunts me to this day.
Darth Vader: It will be your downfall.
{Vader picks up Palpatine}
Palpatine: Stop!
Palpatine: Hey Siri; Order 66!
Darth Vader: Aaargghh!!
Palpatine: What? Why aren't you dead?
Darth Vader: Ggnnaaarggh!!!
[SFX]: kzzt!
Palpatine: So... does all my planning come to nought?
[SFX]: Toss!
{throws Palpatine down shaft}
Palpatine: The eldritch gate looms; that which I sought for all, I shall at least have for myself...
[SFX]: kzzt!
[SFX]: Kaboom!
R2-D2: A decent tan?