Darths & Droids


<     Episode 1260: I am Not Expendable, I'm Not Stupid, and I'm Not Going (to Catch That Laser Sword)     >

Episode 1260: I am Not Expendable, I'm Not Stupid, and I'm Not Going (to Catch That Laser Sword)


It's important to have accurate inventory of all your expendable assets, so that you can use them up efficiently when needed.

Gold pieces, rope, healing potions, iron spikes, arrows, spell scrolls, NPC allies...


Luke: Couldn't you have fired something less dangerous? Like a small nuclear device coated with touch powder?
R2-D2: What, and risk failing due to insufficient firepower?
[SFX]: whooooooooooossshhhh... {the laser sword flies through the air towards the skiff...}
Leia: You had a laser sword and you fired it over the Sarlacc to the skiff? Why didn't you give it to me? I could have held it to Jabba's throat and gotten us all out of here!
R2-D2: It's incredibly dangerous. I didn't want you killing yourself.
Leia: Oh? Because I'm a woman?
R2-D2: No, you're a PC! Unlike Lando.
Lando: I don't know how to use a laser sword! Even trying to catch it is a terrible idea!
R2-D2: Sheesh, NPC allies with self-preservation traits are the worst.

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Published: Sunday, 11 October, 2015; 03:11:16 PDT.
Copyright © 2007-2024, The Comic Irregulars. irregulars@darthsanddroids.net