Players are used to exploring dungeons and basically just making their way through more or less abandoned rooms, dealing with monsters, and picking up treasures. What if they go into a dungeon crawl adventure expecting to loot an old abandoned complex of monster-riddled corridors, only to have a butler or majordomo greet them at the front entrance and offer to escort them to the master of the dungeon?
Bib Fortuna: Heeyyy, aloha! You two droids here for the auction?
C-3PO: Er, yes, we are.
Bib Fortuna: You chill dudes follow me, I'll getcha//straight to the auction room, you betcha.
Ortugg: Right. We'll be trotting off then.
Rogua: Oink oink! Say no more.
Bib Fortuna: How's it going? Gimme five. Down low?
{beat, shot of hand next to R2}
Bib Fortuna: Too slow... Let's hustle.