Sometimes giving players a bit of free rein to interpret things their own way can lead to interesting new developments in the game action. But usually it just ends in a mire of movie quotes and in-jokes.
Not that this is a bad thing, mind.
[SFX]: Knock knock
[SFX]: bzzhht...
TT-8L/Y7: {an eyeball droid poking out of a hole in the door} Tee chuta hhat yudd!
C-3PO: He said, "Who's there?"
[SFX]: < ep bedoop >
R2-D2: Two droids.
TT-8L/Y7: Haku. Wonna me theechoo.
C-3PO: "Two droids who?"
[SFX]: < ep bedoop whir zibuzz >
R2-D2: Two droids who want to get in.
TT-8L/Y7: Coochoo wonky ma pee gassa.
C-3PO: "I don't get it."
GM: Okay... Sally, I'm going to start giving you notes with what this droid is actually saying.