Darths & Droids


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Episode 1101: Inside Job


In some cases it's better to be inside the prison cell than outside. Not many cases, but if anyone can find them it's a group of player characters.


Han: Looks like we're stuck here, then.
Leia: You mean I'm stuck here.
Han: We're stuck here. We're not leaving without you.
Chewbacca: When Lando frees us, assuming we don't attempt to assassinate any more of Lando's guests, we could work to secure her release from outside.
Han: No.
Leia: Han, this makes no sense, even for you. There's literally nothing to gain by staying. No reward. Nada.
Han: I'm done running. I'm gonna be solid as a rock from now on.
Leia: I'll believe it when I see it.

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Published: Sunday, 05 October, 2014; 03:11:02 PDT.
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