Any time a villain mentions your "still-beating heart", you know things aren't looking too good. Try it on the PCs in your game some time.
Boba Fett: {voice over} "Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi hunted down my mother."
Boba Fett: {voice over} "He made an empty promise of amnesty, but then allowed his Padawan, Anakin, to kill her."
Boba Fett: {voice over} "Not content with killing both my parents, Kenobi then began the battle which killed my adoptive father, Jango."
Boba Fett: {voice over} "I mean to avenge myself upon him. I shall deprive him of power, and then, I mean to deprive him of his life."
Boba Fett: {voice over} "I draw ever closer, for I know that Kenobi took passage to Naboo on your ship, the Millennium Falcon!"
Boba Fett: I shall rip the knowledge of his whereabouts from you like your still-beating heart.
Han: {sotto voce} Do you wanna tell him?
Leia: {sotto voce} Hell, no.