It's important to have a good understanding of your characters capabilities and weaknesses.
So you can play up the capabilities and work around or, better yet, completely ignore, the weaknesses.
Han: Do you know how hard it is to roleplay someone with Int and Wisdom as low as Han's? Coming up with ridiculous ideas all the time?
R2-D2: Unlike, say, Qui-Gon, whose plans were all brilliant?
Han: Exactly!
Luke: Okay, then. Han, you need to listen to me.
Leia: No, you listen to me.
Leia: Disable the droid, take a memory dump, make it look like an accident.
{Han shoots it}
[SFX]: Pow!
[SFX]: Kaboom!
[SFX]: Kakrabooom!!!
Han: Disabled. What was the middle one again?